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NMSU again designated Carnegie R1 university

NMSU again designated Carnegie R1 university

NMSU’s QCAM boosts STEM careers in additive manufacturing

NMSU’s QCAM boosts STEM careers in additive manufacturing

NMSU engineering professor named AIAA Associate Fellow

Abdessattar Abdelkefi, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at New Mexico State University, was recently elected American Institute of...

Fall 2024 NMSU Outstanding Graduate: Aryanna Llañez Shines in Engineering

Aryanna Llañez, a student in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at New Mexico State University, has been recognized as one...

MAE Faculty Ranked Among Top 2% of Scientists Worldwide

Dr. Jay I. Frankel and Dr. Abdessattar Abdelkefi from New Mexico State University's College of Engineering have been recognized as part of the...

Graduate Seminar Series - Dr. Hui Hu

Graduate Seminar Series - Dr. Hui Hu

Graduate Seminar Series - Dr. Dan Fries

MAE Graduate Seminar Presents Dr. Dan Fries from the University of Kentucky. "Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering and Emission...

Scholarships, online offerings drive continued enrollment growth for NMSU system

Scholarships, online offerings drive continued enrollment growth for NMSU system

NMSU regents select Valerio Ferme as university system’s next president

NMSU regents select Valerio Ferme as university system’s next president

NMSU to host 40th annual Career Expo, Engineering, Science and Technology Fair

NMSU to host 40th annual Career Expo, Engineering, Science and Technology Fair

NMSU to begin new year with exciting events across campus

NMSU to begin new year with exciting events across campus

New robotics club empowers NMSU students

New robotics club empowers NMSU students

NMSU engineering professor awarded grant to study aerodynamics in aviation

Qiong Liu, New Mexico State University mechanical and aerospace engineering assistant professor, has been awarded a three-year, $457,0777 grant...

NMSU engineering professor awarded grant to study robotics in chile pepper production

Mahdi Haghshenas-Jaryani, New Mexico State University mechanical and aerospace engineering assistant professor, has been awarded a three-year,...

Engineering professor honored at annual Teaching Academy Gala

MAE Professor, Jesse Waller, was honored at the annual NMSU Teaching Gala.

Dr. Mahdi Haghshenas-Jaryani Receives NASA RIA Award

Building up from a NM NASA EPSCoR seed award, Dr. Mahdi Haghshenas-Jaryani, Assistant Professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Department, has...

Prominent scholarship helps NMSU mechanical, aerospace engineering students earn graduate degrees

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at New Mexico State University recognized the Tim Thompson Graduate Scholarship Fund...

New master’s of engineering degree at NMSU offers flexibility, benefits to students, working engineers

New master’s of engineering degree at NMSU offers flexibility, benefits to students, working engineers

Retired NMSU VP appointed interim chancellor of community colleges

Retired NMSU VP appointed interim chancellor of community colleges

Call for Applications: Undergraduate Research Assistant Position in Space Robotics

The Bioinspired and Biomimetic Robotics Laboratory (Bio2Robotics Lab: in the Mechanical and...

Graduate Seminar Series - Dr. Igor Tsukrov

Professor of Mechanical and Ocean Engineering, University of New Hampshire, Dr. Igor Tsukrov, Ph.D. "Saving North Atlantic Right Whales...

Graduate Seminar Series - Dr. Carrie Noren

Air Force Research Laboratory, Section Chief and Research Engineer, Dr. Carrie Noren, Ph.D. "An Overview of Research in the Laser Division...

Call for Applications starting Fall 2024: Modeling and Environmental Testing of Structures


Graduate Seminar Series - Dr. Fernando Zigunov

Assistant Professor at Syracuse University, NY, Dr. Fernando Zigunov, Ph.D. "Towards digital flow control: Understanding and controlling...

Closed - Call for Applications starting Fall 2024: Undergraduate Research Program in Environmental Testing of Structures

Earn up to $15,000 per year as an Undergraduate Research Assistant, Starting Fall 2024 Deadline to apply is April 15th, 2024