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MAE Academy Recognizes Excellence in Research, Teaching, and Student Achievement

The Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Academy (MAEA) at New Mexico State University held its annual awards banquet on February 20th during Engineering Week, celebrating outstanding contributions to research, teaching, and student success within the department.

Each year, the MAEA acknowledges exceptional faculty, staff, and students who have demonstrated excellence in their respective roles. This year’s award recipients are:

  • Outstanding Graduating Student Award: Kylie Braunhardt

  • Excellent Research and Teaching Professor Awards: Dr. Yangxing Wang and Dr. Young Lee

  • Staff Excellence Awards: Victoria Trujillo and Margaret Vasquez

The banquet served as a platform to honor these individuals for their dedication and commitment to advancing mechanical and aerospace engineering at NMSU. The MAE Academy, established in 1986, continues to play a vital role in guiding and supporting the department through mentorship, industry connections, and faculty recognition.

Congratulations to all the award recipients for their well-deserved achievements!

from left to right; Excellent Research and Teaching Professor Awards: Dr. Young Lee, Dr. Yangxing Wang, Staff Excellence Awards: Victoria Trujillo, Margaret Vasquez (not pictured) Outstanding Graduating Student Award: Kylie Braunhardt, NMSU MAEA President, Crystal McCaslin
From left to right: Dr. Young Lee and Dr. Yangxing Wang, recipients of the Excellent Research and Teaching Professor Awards; Victoria Trujillo, recipient of the Staff Excellence Award (Margaret Vasquez not pictured); Kylie Braunhardt, recipient of the Outstanding Graduating Student Award; and NMSU MAE Academy President, Crystal McCaslin.