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Undergraduate Programs


NMSU’s Mechanical Engineering (ME) department has been preparing engineers since the university opened in 1888. In Fall 2006, the department expanded to include an undergraduate degree program in Aerospace Engineering (AE), establishing the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE). This program remains the first of its kind in New Mexico and West Texas.

If you are interested in joining MAE as an undergraduate or graduate student, explore our programs to become part of a dynamic and innovative department, where you'll benefit from a strong academic foundation paired with hands-on research opportunities.


Mechanical Engineering (ME)

NMSU’s Mechanical Engineering (ME) program provides a strong foundation in engineering principles, combining theory with hands-on experience through design projects, experiments, and practical applications. Students also gain industry exposure through co-ops and internships, helping them develop the skills needed for successful careers.

Graduates of the ME program pursue a variety of career paths, with many continuing their education to specialize further. Others secure positions at leading organizations, including:

  • Bechtel
  • Boeing
  • B.F. Goodrich
  • General Motors
  • Utility companies
  • N.A.S.A.
  • U.S. Departments of Energy and Defense
  • National and private laboratories

If you enjoy understanding how things work, turning ideas into reality, or improving mechanical systems, a career in Mechanical Engineering could be the perfect fit. This field plays a vital role in nearly every industry, making it one of the most adaptable and in-demand engineering disciplines.

Mechanical Engineering Program

Aerospace Engineering (AE)

Since Fall 2006, NMSU’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) has offered a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering (AE), the first and only AE degree program in New Mexico and West Texas.

The program builds on NMSU’s strong connections with leading aerospace organizations. Faculty research collaborations, industry partnerships, and student opportunities such as internships and co-ops are well established with institutions like Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories, White Sands Testing Facility, and Boeing.

As New Mexico’s designated Space Grant Institution, NMSU works closely with NASA, providing students with access to unique academic experiences. One such opportunity is the Reduced-Gravity Student Flight Program at Johnson Space Center, where undergraduates engage in hands-on research in microgravity environments.

With New Mexico emerging as a hub for private spaceflight, students at NMSU are well-positioned to take advantage of new opportunities. The Southwest Regional Spaceport, located just 45 minutes from Las Cruces, is attracting aerospace companies focused on commercial space travel and innovation.

Aerospace Engineering Program

Master's Accelerated Program (MAP)

NMSU’s Master’s Accelerated Program offers qualified undergraduate students the opportunity to begin graduate coursework while completing their bachelor’s degree. This pathway allows students to efficiently progress toward a master’s degree, reducing the overall time required for completion.

A traditional bachelor’s degree takes four years, with an additional two years typically needed for a master’s degree. Through the accelerated program, students can integrate graduate-level courses into their junior and senior years, expediting their academic and professional growth.

For more details on program requirements, refer to the  NMSU catalog . To get started, consult with an MAE faculty advisor to develop a course plan tailored to your academic and career goals. It is recommended that your advisor specializes in your area of interest within MAE.

  • Students can take 6 credits of MAE undergraduate courses (450 level or higher) and 6 credits of MAE graduate courses (500 level or higher) in their junior or senior year and get dual course credit that can be applied to both an undergraduate and master’s degree.
  • The Graduate School allows qualified students to substitute its graduate courses for required or elective courses in an undergraduate degree program and then subsequently count those same course as fulfilling graduate requirements in a related graduate program.
  • Undergraduate students may apply for acceptance to the accelerated master’s program after completing 60 semester hours of undergraduate coursework of which a minimum of 25 semester credit hours must be completed at NMSU.
  • The grade point average must be at a minimum of 2.75.
  • Students must receive a grade of B or higher in this coursework to be counted for graduate credit. If a grade of B- or lower is earned, it will not count toward the graduate degree.

Master's Accelerated Program

Preparing for an Academic Career in MAE

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering depends heavily on math. High school students interested in studying Mechanical and/or Aerospace Engineering are recommended to take four years of math to the calculus level, chemistry, and physics. Incoming students will be required to take the Math Placement Test to be placed in the appropriate math class unless you already have a college math credit.

Students can gain college credit through Advanced Placement (AP) Exams, Dual Credit, or the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). AP exam results need to be sent to NMSU to receive credit for student work. Students who have taken Dual Credit classes outside the NMSU system will be required to transfer their credits from the college earned. Classes that were taken on a campus that is part of the NMSU System would be considered Concurrent Enrollment. CLEP classes and tests are available for a fee. Students whose tests receive a passing score will receive credit for that course.

Next Steps

Are you ready to apply? Undergraduate admission requirements to the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering programs follow the NMSU admission process. Admission questions and additional information can be found through the Undergraduate Admissions Office. The College of Engineering offers added information to other engineering degree programs and student organizations. To see a full list of degrees or other academic credentials, the NMSU Academic Catalog serves as a guidebook to students seeking information about academic programs, courses, and other essential information for student success. Be sure to check out the academic calendar for information about important dates such as registration, first day of classes, deadlines, exam dates, etc..