This addendum applies to every course with a M E or A E prefix. It contains information applicable to each course offered in MAE.
Attendance Policy
Attendance is required for all scheduled ME and AE lectures and/or laboratories. Advance notice and approval is required of all non-emergency absences.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Student Outcomes
The Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering strives to achieve defined student outcomes through the administration of the BSME and BSAE curricula as defined in the Accreditation section of the MAE website.
Student Accessibility Services (disability accommodations)
Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct will be addressed in accordance with the policies and processes described in the NMSU Student Handbook. The MAE Department follows a ZERO tolerance policy regarding academic misconduct. Every such incident will be reported to the Associate Dean of Academics in the College of Engineering with a request for the maximum allowable penalty for unethical actions.
Plagiarism is using another person’s work without acknowledgment, making it appear to be one’s own. Intentional and unintentional instances of plagiarism are considered instances of academic misconduct and are subject to disciplinary action such as failure on the assignment, failure of the course or dismissal from the university. For more information visit Click Here.
The NMSU College of Engineering follows a “two strikes policy” as defined here.
Cell Phone Use
Use of cell phones and wi-fi enabled devices are prohibited during examinations or when the instructor deems necessary or appropriate. Devices must be turned OFF and not in the student’s possession during exams.
Video surveillance
New Mexico State University has equipped lecture halls, laboratories, study areas, hallways, and computer laboratories with videotaping equipment and computer monitoring software. Consent to such forms of surveillance is intrinsic to enrollment in courses with a MAE prefix. This includes, but is not limited to video taping of lectures, examinations, and remote viewing of your university-provided computer screen by an exam proctor.
Computer Resources
The department strives to maintain appropriate computer hardware and software resources available for students to use. Please report all software or hardware problems with the computers to Please report knowledge of vandalism or abuse of these resources to
All course participants are expected to engage respectfully and professionally in discussions, postings, and activities. Disagreeing with differing viewpoints and debating ideas using research, evidence, and relevant experiences is encouraged as part of the learning process. However, personal remarks directed at individuals, including comments unrelated to course content, will not be permitted. Additionally, discussions should remain relevant to the course, support a productive learning environment, and not disrupt instruction or hinder participation.