Selected Publications

  1. S. Mohammadshahi, Daniel O'Coin, H. Ling, “Impact of sandpaper grit size on drag reduction and plastron stability of super-hydrophobic surface in turbulent flows”, Physics of fluids, 2024.
  2. S. Mohammadshahi, J. Breveleri, H. Ling, “Fabrication and characterization of super-hydrophobic surfaces based on sandpapers and nano-particle coatings”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2023.
  3. A. Nosrati, S. Mohammadshahi, M. Raessi, H. Ling, “Impact of undersaturation level on the longevity of super-hydrophobic surfaces in stationary liquids”, Langmuir, 2023.
  4. S. Mohammadshahi, H. Samsam-Khayani, K. C. Kim, “Experimental investigation on flow characteristics of compressible oscillating jet”, Physics of fluids, 2022.
  5. S. Mohammadshahi, H. Samsam-Khayani, T. Cai, M. Nili-Ahmadabadi, K. C. Kim, “Experimental study on flow characteristics and heat transfer of an oscillating jet in a cross flow”, Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021.
  6. T. Cai, Z. Deng, Y. S. Park, S. Mohammadshahi, Y. Liu, K. C. Kim, “Acquisition of kHz- frequency Two-dimensional Surface Temperature Field Using Phosphor Thermometry and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Assisted Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021.
  7. T. Cai, S. Mohammadshahi, T. Lee, K. C. Kim, “Simultaneous measurement of two-dimensional temperature and strain fields based on thermographic phosphor and digital image correlation”, Measurement Science and Technology, 2021.
  8. S. Mohammadshahi, H. Samsam-Khayani, Z. Deng, K. C. Kim “Experimental investigation of flow dynamics of oscillating jet emitted in confined and non-confined backward-facing step geometries”, European Journal of Mechanics- B/Fluids, 2021.
  9. T. Cai, Y. Park, S. Mohammadshahi, K. C. Kim, “Rise time-based phosphor thermometry using Mg4FGeO6:Mn4+ ”, Measurement Science and Technology, 2021.
  10. S. Mohammadshahi, H. Samsam-Khayani, O. Nematollahi, K. C. Kim, “Flow Characteristics of a Wall- Attaching Oscillating Jet over Single-wall and Double-Wall Geometries”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2020.
  11. S. Mohammadshahi, H. Samsam-Khayani, T. Cai, K. C. Kim, “Experimental and numerical investigation on flow characteristic and heat transfer of wall oscillating jet”, Int. Journal of Heat and fluid flow, 2020.
  12. S. Mohammadshahi, M. R. Tavakoli, H. Samsam-Khayani, M. Nili-Ahmadabadi, K. C. Kim, “Investigation of naturally ventilated shavadoons component: Architectural underground pattern on ventilation”, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019.
  13. S. Mohammadshahi, M. Nili-Ahmadabadi, H. Samsam-Khayani, M. R. Salimpour, “Numerical Study of a Vortex-Induced Vibration Technique for Passive Heat Transfer Enhancement in Internal Turbulent Flow”, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2018.
  14. S. Mohammadshahi, M. Nili-Ahmadabadi, O. Nematollahi, “Numerical study of the flow and heat transfer in Shavadoon: A Traditional HVAC System”, Renewable Energy, 2016.